Small changes can make a huge difference. It’s not about getting up at 5am every morning to twist yourself up like a pretzel before drinking down some crazy concoction that someone on the internet said would change your life. 
It’s about making smaller lifestyle changes that build up to something bigger – better health, less pain, more relaxation and higher energy levels. 
Through expert nutrition advice and bespoke Yoga classes, retreats and workshops, Berg Nutrition provide a whole body approach to tackling the stresses of modern life: Empowering clients with the knowledge and skills to make changes that leave them feeling stronger and healthier than ever before. Take a look at our upcoming classes and workshops , baby yoga or book your free consultation today.

The best you

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Here you will find a diary of our yoga classes and upcoming events and workshops. The prices of the yoga workshops are listed along with the details and venue. 
We also offer bespoke workshops for companies, prices available on request please contact us for more details.

There are many different types of yoga and the difference between them depends on what they focus on. Many people appreciate Dru because anyone can do it, regardless of age, body shape or ability. Dru is a graceful and potent form of yoga, based on soft flowing movements, directed breathing and visualisation. It is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating, yet it can take you to any level of fitness you’d like, improving your strength, flexibility and building core stability.

Get in touch today


We offer four nutrition packages with Jenny Oakenfull, our nutritionist. Packages are individually tailored to meet your needs. Call for your free 15 minute consultation with our nutritionist to discuss what package would be right for you. Prior to starting on a programme with us you will be asked to complete a food diary and a short questionnaire to help us to provide a tailored plan for you.

"Diet is the essential key to all successful healing."

Joseph Raynauld Raymond