
Looking for health retreats? We run a range of retreats from our fortnightly mini retreats to our full weekend retreats.

Our health retreats are a fantastic combination of workshops, yoga sessions and delicious food to enable you to have some ‘ME’ time and return to your life recharged and full of tips to continue this experience at home. The retreats are themed around different topics, so you can chose the one that suits you the most.


Relax and Replenish Workshop 

This is our best selling workshop. 

There are many factors that put stress on your body and stress hormones use up large amounts of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are important for healing skin, producing energy and other bodily functions and when they are diverted to deal with stress these functions begin to break down. With the right diet, vitamins, minerals and herbs you can boost your body’s immune system, increase your energy levels, and prevent stress related symptoms such as fatigue, headache, low back pain, irritability, and irritable bowel syndrome.